From time to time in this space, WestBow Press publishes articles written by our authors in which they share some aspect of their self-publishing journeys. The following are the words of Carolyn Villar; author of “The 7 Steps of Inner Healing/Los 7 Peldaños de la Sanidad Interior” To begin your self-publishing journey, get your free WestBow Press publishing guide today!
I did not want to publish a book on inner healing, or make myself vulnerable before the world or share my story. In obedience to God’s call, I published The 7 Steps to Inner Healing – Los 7 Peldaños de la Sanidad Interior in 2015. When I was laid-off in 2013, the first thing God asked me to do was to finish writing the book that He had asked me to write years ago.
The 7 Steps to Inner Healing – Los 7 Peldaños de la Sanidad Interior is a bilingual, Christian and bible-based book on how to forgive, let go and move forward. The book is easy-to-read and personable. The purpose of this book is to educate and equip those going difficult trials and processes – all those who experience pain.
I had my first book launch on Saturday, October 3, 2015 at Gordon College, my alma mater. I invited two non-profit organizations, Chica Project and Amirah Inc., to my book launch to host a table, and speak about the work they are doing in the community in an effort to inspire my audience to give back which is Step #7: Help Others Heal in my book.
For each book that was bought at the book launch, I donated a portion to Amirah, Inc., Amirah, Inc. is a faith-based, non-profit organization that provides a safe home for women (ages 18 and older) who are survivors of sexual exploitation (sex trafficking). The event was well-attended and we made a donation to Amirah, Inc. to help end sex trafficking.
At the end of my remarks, I gave each attendee a postcard. I asked each person to write two things: 1) a goal or dream that God has placed on their heart, and 2) someone in their social circle who is going through a difficult trial that they can encourage. Many of my guests contacted me after the event, and were inspired.
Here is some of the feedback I received after the book launch:
- “You really inspired me and can’t say enough how happy I am to see you radiate in your power and purpose. Your book is really mentoring my spirit to always provide for others in whatever capacity I can. Thank you for being who you are”
- “I enjoyed the event so much. You are truly gifted; God has his hand on you for sure.

Villar’s parents, Luis and Adriana, and Villar and her husband Pablo, look on as her brother Luis reads a passage from her book.
For those considering self-publishing, here are a few helpful tips that you may want to consider:
- Start blogging to build your platform.
- Speak to published authors and find mentors in your social circle or network.
- Do your research.
- Do not include anyone in your book that can be easily recognized. Most likely, the publisher will ask you to remove or disguise their names if you include people that can be easily identified.
- Try to stay away from quoting others as you will need to get permission before your book is published, and this may delay your process. If you quote the bible, be sure to include the version used after each biblical reference.
- Know your target audience, and draft a marketing plan of how you are going to promote your book once it is published.
- Stay encouraged and positive – the process can seem daunting, long and frustrating, but it is worthwhile in the end.
Author Biography
Carolyn Villar is an international speaker, author of The 7 Steps to Inner Healing – Los 7 Peldaños de la Sanidad Interior and intercessor. She has a Bachelor of Arts from Gordon College and a Master of Science from Northeastern University. She and her husband, Pablo Pimentel-Villar, currently reside in Massachusetts. Carolyn can be reached via email (, Twitter (@carolynvillar7) or Instagram (carolynvillar7).
– WBP –
WestBow Press authors who’d like to share a 350-600 word experience related to the self-publishing of their books, are invited to do so by sending a message through the WestBow Press Facebook page, by tweeting us @WestBowPress, or by emailing kgray@ We may not be able to use every story, but we will read and consider them. WestBow Press reserves the right to edit stories for content, grammar and punctuation accuracy; as well as for space.