Tag Archives: characters

Writing During the Holidays

Our writing is thankful for the holidays, but not because we deem a holiday the excuse we’ve been looking for to put our thoughts to rest. Quite the contrary. Such days are full of life — bursting with color. During the holidays, personality surrounds you, and the uplifting tone has a way of re-centering your spirit — a…

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Writing Tip & Prompt: Know your Characters

On Fridays, we like to share writing tips and tricks with our readers. We hope this section will encourage and inspire you to continually improve as a writer. Writing Tip – Know your Characters Sometimes, when you get an idea for a story you just want to dive in and start writing without doing any…

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Writing Tip and Prompt: 10/5/2012

On Fridays we like to share writing tips and tricks with our readers. We hope this section will encourage and inspire you to continually improve as a writer. Writing Tip – Avoid Dull Writing Each of us works at writing on two levels: a creative, unconscious level and a critical, conscious level. The unconscious produces creative…

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