Writing Tip & Prompt: Never Give Up

Writing Tip & PromptOn Fridays, we like to share writing tips and trick with our readers. We hope this section will encourage and inspire you to continually improve as a writer.

Writing Tip – Never Give Up

The journey to becoming a published author is not an easy one and it is easy to get discouraged. While writing a book and getting it published is a long and hard journey, it is very rewarding in the end. Some days you might not be able to work on your book at all – that’s okay. Take a step back and write a short story about something completely different. This allows you to take a break while still writing. When having your manuscript reviewed, some may seem harsher than others. Use any critiques you receive to your advantage and keep pushing through. You’ve spent countless hours creating your work and you deserve to reach your goal of becoming a published author.

Writing Prompt – Dream Vacation

Summer is most often associated with relaxation and vacation. Many of us look forward to a vacation in order to get a break from our everyday lives. In addition, writers look forward to vacation because they get the chance to be introduced to a new environment that could be a potential location in their next novel. What is your dream vacation? If you could go anywhere in the world for any amount of time, where would you go? Use this vacation spot as inspiration for a short story. Explain the location in detail. Try to make the reader feel as passionate about this vacation as you.

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