Writing Tip & Prompt: Keep a Writing Calendar

Writing Tip and PromptOn Fridays, we like to share writing tips and tricks with our readers. We hope this section will encourage and inspire you to continually improve as a writer.

Writing Tip – Keep a Writing Calendar

On top of an active writing schedule, create a writing calendar. Note your writing goals and set realistic deadlines for yourself, such as “Chapter one completed by August 8,” or “Reread and edit chapter 2 by November 1.” This is meant to be a guide — a motivator — not a tool that adds stress. It’s between you and your writing. Keep it real and understand that dates may change but the writing will continue. Seeing your progression will give extra energy and excitement for your daily writing.

Writing Prompt – Observe People

Take a field trip to your local coffee shop, park or library. Don’t forget to bring pen and paper, or your laptop.  Settle in at a table or bench and get ready to write.  At any of these places you are bound to see dozens of people, some you may know or recognize, and others you may have never seen before. Observe the visitors of your locale for a few minutes until you see someone who inspires you to create a story for them. What is their background – what brought them to your location that day?  Use your thoughts to write a short story on the person that piqued your interest for the day.

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