Sharing God’s Grace by Lisa Anne Duda

In this space, WestBow Press publishes articles written by our authors in which they share some aspect of their self-publishing journeys. The following are the words of Lisa Anne Duda; author of “Faithful Sunshine.” Find her on Facebook and check out her website! To begin your self-publishing journey, get your free WestBow Press publishing guide today!

SKU-000611517I never imagined writing a book.  I never saw myself as an author.  My life focus was centered on balancing my hectic job and family life.  But sometimes things happen in life that redirects your focus.

I wasn’t prepared for the experience.  I felt blindsided as my sister and I helped our Mom face mortality.  The events unfolded in a whirlwind.  I felt as though I was on an emotional roller coaster watching helplessly as the past collided with the present.   But God’s Grace shined through.  God blessed each of us and words really can’t do justice on how He touched us with His love.   I’m thankful that we were able to see His blessings.  In stressful situations such as what we experienced, it’s easy to become blind to God’s messages.  But we knew He was with us.  In the end, I felt joy…the kind of joy that only God can incite deep within us.

As I shared the experience with others, I realized they could see God’s Grace as well.  So I continued sharing the story.  Then I started thinking that it would be nice to put the story on paper.  If nothing else, it would serve as a personal memory of our experience.  I didn’t want the details to fade with time.  I didn’t want the beauty of God’s Grace to be forgotten.  I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to do the story justice.  But I wanted to press on.  As my writing progressed, I started wondering if I should actually publish it.  I had a sense of hope that my experience might help others see God’s Grace as well.

LisaAnneDuda_FaithfulSunshineThat’s when I reached out to WestBow Press.  I had researched the publishing process and knew my best option was to self-publish.  And I knew WestBow Press would give me the Christian support that I needed in order to share my story.  I only had a portion of the book written when I turned to WestBow Press.  I suppose I didn’t think it would take me that long to finish.  In my mind, I was just the translator and the story would write itself.

But then I started having long bouts of writer’s block as well as various life events that took the focus away from writing.  As the months turned into years, I felt guilty for taking so long to finish writing the book.  And then, as I tried to make up the lost time, I began to think I was rushing it.  But once again, God’s Grace shined through.  It took almost seven years to finish writing and complete the publishing process.  But in the end, I hope others will be touched in some way by my book Faithful Sunshine.  I’m not an author.  I simply needed to share this story.  I wanted to share God’s Grace.

– WBP –

WestBow Press authors who’d like to share a 350-600 word experience related to the self-publishing of their books, are invited to do so by sending a message through the WestBow Press Facebook page and follow the WestBow Press Twitter account @WestBowPress. WestBow Press reserves the right to edit stories for content, grammar, punctuation and length. 

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