From time to time in this space, WestBow Press publishes brief accounts, written by our authors, about how self-publishing their books has affected their lives. The following are the words of Alice Anderson; who’s authored more than 60 books — this summer penning eight simultaneously. As a ghostwriter, she’s never credited with many of her literary creations. Alice did put her name on one of her latest works though, “Through the Bible in High Heels,” recently self-published with WestBow Press.
The bottom line on why I chose WestBow Press? It was the marketing and distribution services that lured me in. If I’m going to continue to support myself by authoring books, I need to concentrate on the actual writing process and on marketing my services as an author-for-hire or ghostwriter. Obviously I do as much marketing of my own books as I can: speaking at women’s groups, writers’ groups, and hosting book signings I’ve arranged across New England. I also knew I could not get as wide a distribution by myself as a royalty publisher could provide. That was especially relevant for my latest book, Through the Bible in High Heels, published by WestBow Press.
Nothing in the literary world is as difficult for me as catching my own typos and bloopers. Even though I always read a finished manuscript aloud to catch things the eyes miss, “oopsies” still fly under my radar. My eyes look at my manuscript and see it as a mother sees her only child: perfect—except it almost never is. The editorial services at WestBow caught things I would have never noticed, because I’m too close to my own work. And they did it nicely, without making me feel like a neophyte.

Writing a book during your lifetime is quite an accomplishment, Alice Anderson’s written more than 60.
The WestBow staff is wonderful to work with! (Yes, I know I ended that sentence with a preposition. Horrors! This is one author who’s been around the printing press a few dozen times, but please remember, I’m writing to you as a friend, not a grammar guru.) Every person I interfaced with at WestBow was pleasant, efficient, professional, and excited about my book. That meant a great deal to someone working at home alone. I really didn’t feel alone on this project, because WestBow staff were a phone call away, cheering me on and answering my concerns as they arose.
By the time the complimentary copies of High Heels arrived, I actually felt sadness at not being able to work with them anymore! Maybe I should write another book and have WestBow publish it? Actually, Through the Bible in Work Boots is already written and waiting in the wings. Too many husbands wanted to know when I was going to write one for them. Can the teenagers be far behind?
WestBow Press authors who’d like to share a 350-500 word experience related to the self-publishing of their books, are invited to do so by sending a message through our Facebook page at, by tweeting us @westbowpress, or by emailing kgray@ We may not be able to use every story, but we will read and consider them. WestBow Press reserves the right to edit stories for content, grammar and punctuation accuracy; as well as for space.